Question 11.

Describe 5 pet peeves you have.
1. Passive Listening. I hate it when someone asks you a question so you start to respond but they're blatently not listening to a word you say. There is an art to listening and some people just really don't have it.
2. Lateness. Unless it's fashionable to be late, I would rather not go than be late. Likewise, if you're strolling in 20 minutes late, I'm pretty peeved.
3. Disrespect. I can't stand people talking to others like they are above them. Everyone deserves respect and to be treated the same way you would like to be treated.
4. Sockless, shoeless feet. Unless we're walking along the beach your feet don't need to be seen.
5. Pointless Debates. I'm not saying all debates are pointless but the ones that are aren't worth the time. They're just a waste of words.
Rant over.

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