Question 13.

Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
1. My thoughts - I sometimes allow my thoughts to get a hold of me. In a negative way. Instead of taking them captive right at the beginning I allow them to grow until they somehow show themself. I'm quite an introverted person anyway so alot of my life goes on in my head before I chose to share it, so you can imagine how a negative thought can effect me.
2. Meeting new people - I'm sure I've already mentioned this in answering an earlier question but meeting new people has always been difficult. It takes a good talking to for me to get myself to get over myself. I care more about what they think of me than getting to know them.
3. Timidity - kind of like above, I find it easy to let myself shy away from people and situations.
4. Moods - this is one result of number 1. I can get into a mood of depression and it won't be easy for anyone to get me out of it until I chose for myself to believe better of myself.
5. Taking offence - I find it easy to take what people say personally and though I may not show it I harbour it in my heart until it becomes bitterness.
I'm not saying all of my weaknesses to get pity or defend why I am the way I am. I'm not ashamed of my weaknesses because the Bible says that when I am weak, then I am strong. When I recognise my weaknesses I allow God to use them and turn them into strengths. So I encourage you all to think about your weaknesses, not to feel bad about yourself but to allow God to do a great work in you like He has and is doing in me.

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