Question 14.

Describe 5 strengths you have.
1. Empathy - I find it easy to put myself in other peoples shoes and to feel how they're feeling. I'm quite an emotional person which could be seen as a weakness but I allow my emotions to move me. So if I see someone hurting, I'll allow myself to hurt with them. If I see someone rejoicing, I'll rejoice with them. We shouldn't be controlled by our emotions but we should allow them to move us into action.
2. Administration - I love planning. I love organisation. I love making things happen. I'm still learning, but I believe it's something I'm good at :)
3. Smiling - I've perfected the good photo smile. But I also think it's important to keep a smile on your face even when you don't feel like it. Let the rest of you see your face and catch up.

4. Listening - I like the verse in James 1 about being slow to speak and quick to listen. All through highschool people would tell me that I was a really good listener and I never really understood why they thought that because it was never something that I had to learn to do. But then I realised it's because I was slow to speak. You don't get many people who will just sit and listen without having to put in their 2 cents. But now I try to practice this verse by actively listening and always offering a listening ear before giving my opinions and advice. I know that I would appreciate someones advice much more if they had first taken the time to listen to me.

5. Being me. I'm really good at being me. I get better at it every day.

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