Question 15.

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Of course.
An Emperor Penguin to be exact.
Why? Apart from the fact that they're clearly the best animal, they is actually some meaning to why I would be a penguin.
From lots of different sources (not just Happy Feet 1 & 2, Surfs Up and March of the Penguins) i've learnt that Penguins are very interesting animals.
They are the only creatures that stick out the Antarctic winter, instead of heading north like every other animal, they head south, right into the worst of it. During the bad weather they will stick together to protect themselves. They're very social animals. They huddle in by leaning forward on eachother, and take turns on who is on the outskirts of the huddle and who is in the warm centre. If they didn't do this they wouldn't be able to survive the weather conditions. The female penguins leave the male penguins to protect the egg for months at a time while they get food for the new chick and then swap over for the male to regain its strength and feed.  They work together. And they are the only animal that find a single mate for life, commitment.
I like that they persevere and need eachother.

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